Saturday, July 24, 2010

MidYear Reflection


At this time of year, we often reflect upon the events that marked the passing twelve months. For just a moment, I want you to concentrate on some things that we worried about happening, that could have happened, but did not happen.

I believe paramount in everyone’s mind is mothers battle with a very life threatening illness. During her battle, if we are honest, we worried if she would make it, if she would even be here this Christmas. We worried about Phil and if he would survive his legal issues without losing his freedom. We worried about Marty and if his position as Deputy Warden would actually come to fruition. We worried about Lil’ Troy and if his career, that has been a  lifetime in the making, would suddenly end, without reason. We worried about  Keith because…well, we always worry about Keith. We worried about the state of the world we are living in today, the economy, global warming, and Obama. 2009 definitely had it’s moments of worry, things that could have happened. But they didn’t. So how can we face 2010 with anything but dread, knowing it will hold it’s own trials and worrisome events. The bible tells us in the book of John Ch. 16 verse 33. “Here on Earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because  I have overcome the world.” Jesus never promised a problem free life, in fact, he guaranteed that life would not be easy. However, he did promise he would always be with us

Christmas is the celebration of our Saviors birth. Without Jesus, we would all be lost. Romans 3:24-25 explains, “ God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God’s anger against us. God’s ultimate promise to us is captured in John3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

So in 2010, let’s replace our worry with Faith. Let’s replace our worry time with prayer time. God already knows what the next year will hold for you. He has some great plans for you. He will advise you and watch over you along the way. When you have asked for God’s guidance and direction, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that his purpose and work will get done.

Let’s began 2010 by stopping and starting. Stop looking back with regret, stop thinking you can’t overcome a bad habit or addiction, stop thinking God doesn’t care, stop blaming yourself or others, stop doing what you  know you shouldn’t, stop doing too much, stop doing to little.
Start each day with God in prayer and Bible reading, start showing more grace and forgiveness, start a new good habit, start obeying God’s word, start repairing hurt relationships, start trusting God to show up in your life every day. 2010 is a good time to commit to stopping and starting. Remember that God is the one constant that will never change- he loves you and will always be at your side. And if you remember this, you will know how the birth of Christ can empower you year round… if you let it.

One little final thought, If you religiously celebrate Christmas then you are acknowledging that Christ was born and if he was born he was resurrected.

Let us Pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you today with our hearts full of praise and thanksgiving. Praising you for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon our family. We thank you Lord for leading us and Guiding us. Dear God we just ask that you continue to lead us and guide us in the coming year so that our words and our actions will act as a beacon of light unto your word. Heavenly Father today we remember our loved ones who have gone before us resting in the knowledge that one day we will once again be with them in Heaven. Father, we pray for other families who may be facing their own trials during this holiday season, illness or even death and dear God we ask that you bring them comfort and healing according to your will. For the many Men and women of our armed services that are unable to be with their families this Christmas we ask that you keep them safe and free from harm And gracious Father we thank you most of all for the gift of your Son. The greatest gift ever given. The reason we celebrate Christmas, our savior Jesus  Christ , who died for our sins so that we could have eternal life forever and always. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Has Christ empowered your year, so far? If so, leave a comment

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