Sunday, September 18, 2011


“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27).

Have you ever been to a job interview where they ask you, “What qualifies you for this position?” You might go on and on about what makes you the best employee they could ever have, desperately hoping for the position.

However, we often do the opposite with God. He comes to you and says, “I have a great plan for your life. I want you to reach many people with My love and display My glory.” And you say, “Not me, God. I can’t do that. I have too much sin, too many weaknesses. You have the wrong person. Pick him over there…he never makes the mistakes I do.”

You’re not alone. Moses did the same thing. God gave him the awesome privilege of delivering His people from slavery. But Moses pleaded with the Lord, "O Lord, I'm not very good with words. I never have been, and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled" (Exodus 4:10). But it wasn’t like God didn’t know about Moses’ inadequacies. He knew exactly who He was dealing with—and He chose him anyway.

And God has chosen you anyway. He knows your weakness, that sin that always trips you up, every sin you’ve committed so far, and every reason why you shouldn’t get the job. If it were really a matter of qualifications, you’re right: you’re not qualified! But God looks past all of those things and says, “I’ve called you anyways. I love you. I know your weaknesses and I’m going to help you overcome them. I’m not giving up on you. And I have great things for you to do.”

That’s God’s beauty. He chooses the foolish things to confuse the smart, and the humble things to bring down the proud. What is a foolish thing in your life? Your past? Lack of education? Fear of people? God can turn it into a strength. Think about it—what story shows the greatness of a coach more: a strong, talented kid who the coach helped to make a great player? Or a short, fumbling kid who the coach turned into a star? You may feel like the runt of the team, but God plans to turn you into a success story in His kingdom.

What has He called you to?You’re not disqualified for the job just because of your past failings or current weaknesses. God says to you today, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). God made fearful Moses into a national deliverer. And He can make you into whatever He wants.

So this week, let us pray that:
  • We would have confidence in God’s plan
  • We would stop listening to the lies of condemnation
  • We would  know that God is with us, during ALL times
THANK YOU so much for your prayers. If we can pray for you, just comment and let us know your prayer requests. God loves you!

Action: Ask God about His plan for your life. Trust that He can use you greatly, no matter your current circumstances. Share with us what you feel comment or tweet


portions of this article were reprinted from Global Media Outreach

Saturday, July 24, 2010

MidYear Reflection


At this time of year, we often reflect upon the events that marked the passing twelve months. For just a moment, I want you to concentrate on some things that we worried about happening, that could have happened, but did not happen.

I believe paramount in everyone’s mind is mothers battle with a very life threatening illness. During her battle, if we are honest, we worried if she would make it, if she would even be here this Christmas. We worried about Phil and if he would survive his legal issues without losing his freedom. We worried about Marty and if his position as Deputy Warden would actually come to fruition. We worried about Lil’ Troy and if his career, that has been a  lifetime in the making, would suddenly end, without reason. We worried about  Keith because…well, we always worry about Keith. We worried about the state of the world we are living in today, the economy, global warming, and Obama. 2009 definitely had it’s moments of worry, things that could have happened. But they didn’t. So how can we face 2010 with anything but dread, knowing it will hold it’s own trials and worrisome events. The bible tells us in the book of John Ch. 16 verse 33. “Here on Earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because  I have overcome the world.” Jesus never promised a problem free life, in fact, he guaranteed that life would not be easy. However, he did promise he would always be with us

Christmas is the celebration of our Saviors birth. Without Jesus, we would all be lost. Romans 3:24-25 explains, “ God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God’s anger against us. God’s ultimate promise to us is captured in John3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

So in 2010, let’s replace our worry with Faith. Let’s replace our worry time with prayer time. God already knows what the next year will hold for you. He has some great plans for you. He will advise you and watch over you along the way. When you have asked for God’s guidance and direction, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that his purpose and work will get done.

Let’s began 2010 by stopping and starting. Stop looking back with regret, stop thinking you can’t overcome a bad habit or addiction, stop thinking God doesn’t care, stop blaming yourself or others, stop doing what you  know you shouldn’t, stop doing too much, stop doing to little.
Start each day with God in prayer and Bible reading, start showing more grace and forgiveness, start a new good habit, start obeying God’s word, start repairing hurt relationships, start trusting God to show up in your life every day. 2010 is a good time to commit to stopping and starting. Remember that God is the one constant that will never change- he loves you and will always be at your side. And if you remember this, you will know how the birth of Christ can empower you year round… if you let it.

One little final thought, If you religiously celebrate Christmas then you are acknowledging that Christ was born and if he was born he was resurrected.

Let us Pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you today with our hearts full of praise and thanksgiving. Praising you for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon our family. We thank you Lord for leading us and Guiding us. Dear God we just ask that you continue to lead us and guide us in the coming year so that our words and our actions will act as a beacon of light unto your word. Heavenly Father today we remember our loved ones who have gone before us resting in the knowledge that one day we will once again be with them in Heaven. Father, we pray for other families who may be facing their own trials during this holiday season, illness or even death and dear God we ask that you bring them comfort and healing according to your will. For the many Men and women of our armed services that are unable to be with their families this Christmas we ask that you keep them safe and free from harm And gracious Father we thank you most of all for the gift of your Son. The greatest gift ever given. The reason we celebrate Christmas, our savior Jesus  Christ , who died for our sins so that we could have eternal life forever and always. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Has Christ empowered your year, so far? If so, leave a comment

Proverbs 25:20

 – Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day…

Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart. – Proverbs 25:20
Sometimes quick answers are the worse thing to offer when people are going through a hard time.

In well meaning attempts to lift someone’s spirits, we move too fast. It would seem ridiculous to visit someone who has just experienced major surgery and try to pull them out of the hospital bed to get them to exercise.

In the same way, sometimes people need the space to grieve for a while. To try to bypass a heavy heart can add more pain to the process. Sometimes the best thing that we can do is to weep when they weep, or just sit with them in silence. The comfort comes not in our cheerful songs, but our presence.

Today’s commentary by:
Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor,

Colossians 2:6-7 – continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him

Colossians 2:6-7 – continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him

Saturday, June 19, 2010

71st Annual Georgia Warden's Conference

Recently, I returned from the Georgia Wardens Conference at the Ritz-Carlton, Reynolds Plantation in Greensboro, Georgia.

First of all, let me say, "AWESOME" accommodations. The Ritz is a five diamond resort and it is easily apparent why. The food was excellent. Especially the breakfast (custom made omelets and....the grits,wow) The place is beautiful and the staff was very friendly and professional. The infinity pool is a must see.

Secondly, the conference itself was much improved from the previous year. More corporate sponsors were
present (shout out to Glover-Auten Foods, Kimbles, Securus Technologies, and Southern Health Partners, who all obtained the corporate sponsorships from yours truly). Also many more ads were sold this year for the scholarship program. The ads sold at Harris County Prison were to Leroy Hill Coffee, Bob Barker, Cotton States Insurance, and Sysco. I would like to extend a special thank you to Deputy Warden Marvin Foster III for his tireless efforts in securing corporate sponsorships and ad sales which made this a successful year for Harris County Prison.

In closing, I look forward to next years conference (probably in Savannah) and I look forward to the coming year with all it's promise and positive change. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones (Mike, Greg, Beth, Oasis). Mike, once again thanks for the exceptional dinner and even more exceptional conversations with you and some of your staff (a highlight of the conference, for sure). Till next time....

Friday, June 18, 2010

Saturday, November 21, 2009

TESTIMONY... Of Alex Haden,

I will not go into detail about the reasons behind or the circumstances of what led me to finding GOD. The reasons behind it all and the circumstances that led to my salvation are too disturbing, too shocking and still to raw for me to talk about at this time. However, the circumstances that led me to GOD are not nearly as important as the journey I took and where that journey led me.

I had been through a tough situation. A bad divorce and the loss of a job that I loved. I felt like I had hit rock bottom. But, somehow I learned how to piece it all back together and I was stronger than ever. I was on top of the world! Everything seemed to be going my way. And I had done it all on my own without the help of anyone. At that time in my life I didn’t think that I needed anyone’s help. In reality I had never been so lost.

And then I fell into the valley. The valley of sorrow, grief, despair and self pity. It wasn’t because of anything that I had done. I mean, I wasn’t a bad guy. I worked every day. I didn’t drink and I didn’t use drugs. I was a good husband and a good father. I was reliable. I was a Deputy Warden of a prison. People who knew me would tell you, “Yeah, he’s a good guy.” But, I fell into the valley anyway. Actually I felt more like I had been pushed into the valley. Irregardless of how I got there I found myself there and I walked in that valley for eight long years. Everyday it seemed like I slipped a little further into the valley. It got worse every day. People I trusted turned on me and some simply forgot about me. Some people who supported me passed away. I lost two uncles and my Father during my time in the valley. I was devastated. At times I was without hope. At times I questioned my faith. Eventually I discovered that I was no longer walking through the valley. I was crawling through it. I started going to church hoping to make my situation better. Things only got worse because I had not yet learned that being a Christian was not about going to church every time the doors were open. Being a Christian meant that my life and my heart had to change. My relationship with God had to be my first priority. I had to give my life over to Him and let him take control of the mess that my life had become. Pastor Ronnie counseled me on so many of those dark days. I know now that God sent him to me. Pastor Ronnie told me to read about Job. I did and gained strength. I was placed on the prayer list here at Callaway and I could feel the power of those prayers. People I did not know and who did not know me would call me just to say “we love you and we are praying for you”. Those prayers and the love that I felt coming from those people gave me strength through my darkest days. However, the situation continued to worsen. I became a recluse. I was depressed. I was without hope and my faith was beginning to wane. I wasn’t even crawling through the valley anymore. I was pancaked out. FLATTENED. I was forehead to forehead with the DEVIL and he was winning. It was all too much. During the darkest day of my time in the valley, when I thought that all hope was gone, when the hardship of it all, the worry that my family lived with day after day and the ridicule that my children had been forced to endure was just too much for me to bear and I had almost decided to throw in the towel. Almost. It was on that day that the phone rang and it was Brother Mike Phillips on the other end of the line calling to tell me that he and Sharon were praying for me and my family and that they loved us. It was in that moment, that one, single, glorious moment that I found the strength to get to my feet. I shook my fist at SATAN and screamed at him that I WAS A CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD AND THAT HE WOULD NEVER EVER HAVE MY SOUL. Brother Mike may not even be aware that it was that one brief phone call, that one tiny word of encouragement that GOD knew I had desperately needed to hear in that one moment of what had been my darkest day and that his simple prayer spoken so powerfully changed my life. God sent Brother Mike to me that day just like he had sent countless others before. I gave my life, all of it, every tiny shred of all that I was, both good and bad to GOD at that very moment and a peace…you know that peace that passes all understanding….came to reside in my heart and soul. I knew that GOD was with me and regardless of my situation and regardless of my circumstances that everything would be okay. Things didn’t change for me overnight but, they did begin to change. I slowly began to make my way out of that valley, that pit of hopelessness and despair. I returned to the world of the living. Soon after that day I went back to work and just recently I have been named the Warden at my prison.

My testimony is simple. GOD changes lives, he changes circumstances, he answers prayers and he walks with you through whatever valley you find yourself in. When things seem to be impossible and you find yourself walking through that valley just shake your fist at the DEVIL and tell him that you belong to THE MOST HIGH, MOST MIRACULOUS, MOST CARING AND MOST AWESOME GOD. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.